10 Overlooked Issues That People are Protesting This Week at the UN
This week, heads of state from around the world have gathered in New York City to tackle the most pressing global issues during the opening of the annual United Nations General Assembly. Always compelling, previous editions of the U.N.G.A. have led to …
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Raising Hands to Join Peacekeeping Forces
The pledges were part of an unusual session led by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on fortifying the blue-helmeted forces that are deployed on behalf of the United Nations to war zones around the world. There are more peacekeepers … The countries …
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Gandour renews calls for Darfur rebels to join dialogue process
In a speech delivered at the NCP convention in Central Darfur state held in Zalingei, Gandour appealed on the Darfur rebels to join the internal political process saying that the continuation of the conflict would only cause more suffering to civilians .
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